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L'étoile Vieilles Vignes tradition

Sales price 17,00 €
Sales price without tax 14,17 €
Tax amount 2,83 €
The iconic aperitif of the Jura,

The Macvin is obtained by a blend of 2/3 grape juice and 1/3 of Marc du Jura. It will go wonderfully with an almond ice cream, in summer on a Charentais melon or simply as an aperitif.

Great ladies called him "The gallant". Aged 15 months in oak barrels, it is about 18 °, strong with citrus aromas and candied fruit. Enjoy fresh between 4 ° and 8 °. As an aperitif, as a starter with a melon and a thin slice of smoked ham, with very strong cheeses or as an accompaniment to ice cream.


SCEV Domaine Geneletti
Société au capital de 65 790 €
14 Rue Saint Jean
39210 Château-Chalon
Tel: 03 84 44 95 06
N° siret : 414 418 970 000 29 - code APE 029G
TVA Intracommunautaire: FR65414418970

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