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Château Chalon 2015/16/17Château Chalon 2015/16/17

Château Chalon 2015/15/17

Sales price 45,00 €
Sales price without tax 37,50 €
Tax amount 7,50 €
The grand cru of the yellow wines in its "clavelin" of 62 cl.

This is the grand cru of yellow wines whose terroir is limited to the hills of Château Chalon. There are wines with a mysterious and legendary name, which alone is enough to make Jura famous. It is the product of attentive care and a secular tradition. Only the "Savagnin" grape variety makes it possible to obtain this unique wine with the particular tastes of "Jaune". During aging (6 years and 3 months minimum), a yeast veil is created on the surface, protecting it and allowing its transformation into Yellow Wine.


SCEV Domaine Geneletti
Société au capital de 65 790 €
14 Rue Saint Jean
39210 Château-Chalon
Tel: 03 84 44 95 06
N° siret : 414 418 970 000 29 - code APE 029G
TVA Intracommunautaire: FR65414418970

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