A selection of the most beautiful grapes at the beginning of the harvest and then dried for several weeks, pressed and aged in barrels for almost 3 years.Its sweet and candied side at the same time will be the perfect companion of your cheeses.
At the start of the harvest, the most beautiful bunches are chosen for the vin de paille, with three of the grape varieties of the Jura vineyard: savagnin, chardonnay or poulsard. The selected selection is then subject to passerillage, that is to say that the bunches of grapes were traditionally dried on racks so that the sugars concentrate by dehydration for a legal minimum of six weeks, generally between three and five months on straw beds (hence its name) or on the vine stock before being pressed. Nowadays, the bunches are generally suspended from wires or placed on small wooden or perforated plastic crates stored in dry and ventilated, unheated premises, barns or attics.
SCEV Domaine Geneletti Société au capital de 65 790 € 14 Rue Saint Jean 39210 Château-Chalon France Tel: 03 84 44 95 06 N° siret : 414 418 970 000 29 - code APE 029G TVA Intracommunautaire: FR65414418970