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Vin de paille 2013Vin de paille 2013

Straw wine 2013

Sales price 36,00 €
Sales price without tax 30,00 €
Tax amount 6,00 €
The emblematic Jura wine
GOLD medal in the 2017 departmental competition.

A selection of the most beautiful grapes at the beginning of the harvest and then dried for several weeks, pressed and aged in barrels for almost 3 years. Its sweet and candied side at the same time will be the perfect companion of your cheeses

The vintage is produced from savagnin and chardonnay. David Geneletti selects the most beautiful bunches during the harvest and then dries them for several weeks in the open air. They are now raisined until February on racks that allow 80% dehydration. A phenomenon of concentration of aromas, sugar and color then takes place. It takes no less than 100 kg of grapes to obtain 12 liters of must. After a very slow fermentation, the wine will age in barrels for 3 years.


SCEV Domaine Geneletti
Société au capital de 65 790 €
14 Rue Saint Jean
39210 Château-Chalon
Tel: 03 84 44 95 06
N° siret : 414 418 970 000 29 - code APE 029G
TVA Intracommunautaire: FR65414418970

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